Remote control TopPower series

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Remote Control for LED Cultivation Spotlight TopPower Series

The remote control of the TopPower Series serves to turn on/off the luminaire, is capable of regulating between 3 default values (50% / 75% / 100%), you can choose the operating spectrum from among the 2 you have (Growth and Flowering) can adjust the ignition time (12H / 15H / 18H / 21H) and make associations of luminaires to control them all as groups.

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2G-c.png topppower-200w-c.png toppower-300w-c.png




Remote control (regulation, programming, groupings, various spectra, etc.)


on-c.png Power key (select the group you want to control first). mando-c.png
off-c.png Off key (select the group you want to control first).
a-b-c.png Cycle A: Growth period - Cycle B: Flowering and fruit period.
horas-c.png Cycle time setting: 12H /15H /18H /21H.
regu-porcent-c.png Luminaire power adjustment: 50% / 75% / 100%
grupos-c.png 1. Association of luminaire groups: Press the cluster key (Group I, II, III and IV) for 3 seconds until the remote control indicator light is switched on, after have to feed (230VAC) the lamps to be grouped (If the light flashes 2 times, the code matches, otherwise the fault code).
2. Cleaning Code (Disassociation): Hold down the corresponding crop key + button off, remote indicator light command lights, after which the lamps to be ungrouped (230VAC) have to be fed (If the light indicator flashes for 5 seconds, has been properly ungrouped).
3. ALL: All groups will be controlled by pressing the ALL key.